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Tuggerah Sewage Treatment Works

Tuggerah Sewage Treatment Works

Home » Central Coast NSW – Bird Photography Locations » Tuggerah Sewage Treatment Works

Tuggerah Sewage Treatment Works

You can gain access to these works from either Canntree road or Ibis Road Tuggerah

The nutrient rich water at times attracts a large number of water birds. The surrounding bush can also be good for birds.

Birds seen: Pink-eared Duck, Pacific Black Duck, Australian Shoveler, Freckled Duck, Australian Wood Duck, Grey Teal, Chestnut Teal, Hardhead, Black Swan, Australian Grebe, Hoary-headed Grebe, Little Black Cormorant, Great Cormorant, Little pied Cormorant, Australasian Darter, Great Egret Little egret, White-faced heron, Glossy Ibis, Australian Ibis, Royal Spoonbill, Swamp Harrier, Whistling Kite, Purple swamphen, Eurasian Coot, Dusky Moorhen, White-headed Stilt, Black-fronted Dotterel,

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eBird - Tuggerah Wastewater Treatment Plant List